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Dołączył: 28 Sie 2006
Posty: 1414
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Pomógł: 12 razy Skąd: Wieliczka
Wysłany: Pią 18:23, 16 Maj 2008 Temat postu: Info na temat 5 sezonu. |
Cytat: | Next season finds everything moving forward FIVE years. Nothing on Wisteria Lane will ever be quite the same again! A number of characters will have to be either recast or written out. Five years in the future, Mrs. McCluskey is hard of hearing. Bree's career takes off, as she becomes the next Martha Stewart. Susan's married to a man who isn't Mike. Gabrielle has two girls who she fears may become chubby. Carlos is still blind.Nicollette Sheridan is definitely returning as Edie, but like everyone else, she'll have gone through some huge changes since leaving.
The show has been picked up for next season. There will be 24 episodes!
Is Edie Gone from Desperate Housewives? When asked if Nicolette Sheridan will return, McPherson (chef von ABC) initially gives a firm "Yes." When pressed for clarification, given that Marc Cherry was just quoted as saying that's the last we're gonna see of her for years, McPherson just smiles and says "Maybe." |
Sezon 5 ukazuje wszystko na pięć lat do przodu. Nic na Wisteria Lane już nie będzie takie samo! Wiele postaci zmieni aktorów, albo zostanie wypisana ze scenariusza. Pięć lat później, Mrs. McCluskey ma problemy ze słuchem. Kariera Bree czyni z niej kolejną [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] Susan jest zamężna, ale nie z Mike'iem. Gabrielle ma dwie dziewczynki, które obawia się, że mogą stać się pulchne. Carlos jest nadal ślepy. Nicolette Sheridan na pewno powróci jako Edie, ale jak każdy, wróci po tylu latach przebywszy ogromne przemiany.
Show zostało zadeklarowane na kolejny sezon. Czekają nas 24 odcinki!
Czy Edie powróci? - zapytano szefa ABC - Tak. - potwierdził. Kiedy przypomniano mu słowa Cherry'ego, że ma powrócić po latach, odparł jedynie - Może.
Gabim napisał: | Stara dobra znajoma wraca na Wisteria Lane
Dana Delany potwierdziła, że powróci do obsady serialu Gotowe Na Wszystko w kolejnej serii.
Aktorka, która w lecie ubiegłego roku dołączyła do Evy Longorii i Teri Hatcher w czwartej serii popularnego serialu telewizji ABC, potwierdziła, że grana przez nią mroczna postać Katherine Mayfair pojawi się na Wisteria Lane w nowych odcinkach piątej serii.
- „Owszem, zamierzam powrócić. Cała tajemnica otaczająca moją postać zostanie wyjaśniona i mogę wyjawić, że będzie to wyjątkowo dramatyczny wątek”, mówi 52-letnia Delany. |
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Lady Van De Kamp

Dołączył: 23 Cze 2006
Posty: 1484
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Pomógł: 5 razy Skąd: Sosnowiec
Wysłany: Pon 19:01, 02 Cze 2008 Temat postu: |
Cytat: | The show will be back in the fall (probably September). Season 5 will have 24 episodes.
Cast members known to be returning include Teri Hatcher (Susan); Felicity Huffman (Lynette); Marcia Cross (Bree); Eva Longoria Parker (Gabrielle); Nicollette Sheridan (Edie); Brenda Strong (Mary Alice); Doug Savant (Tom); Ricardo Antonio Chavira (Carlos); Shawn Pyfrom (Andrew); Kyle MacLachlan (Orson); and Dana Delany (Katherine).
As revealed in the season finale, next season takes us FIVE years into the future and stays there. Flashbacks may be used to fill viewers in on what's happened.
Lynette's kids will be recast; Porter and Preston are juvenile delinquents.
Mrs. McCluskey's hard of hearing.
Bree's well on her way to becoming the next Martha Stewart.
Carlos remains blind.
Katherine is still living on Wisteria Lane and is closer to the other women now.
Edie returns to Wisteria Lane, having also gone through significant change as well.
Susan has a new husband, played by Gale Harold . Mike may or may not be back. (They've played the "James-Denton-won't-know-if-he's-back-til-June" card after season 1 and 2, so best bet is that he will, in fact, return.) Many have already emailed wondering if Susan's new husband is Adam; no, he's not, though I guess Gale Harold and Nathan Fillion look a bit alike.
Oh, and Susan's son may go by "M.J." so we probably won't have to hear "Maynard" a lot.
Gone from the show: Julie, Danielle, Dylan, and the actors playing Lynette's kids. the kids who've played Lynette's kids til now may or may not be back for a few flashbacks next season.
Say hello to Kaila Say and Danielle Baltodano, who are playing Gabrielle's daughters Juanita and Celia. Gabrielle will be frustrated her kids don't live up to her standards of beauty. Gabrielle's hardly living up to her own standards of beauty either, as the stress of living with a blind husband and two kids is hard on her.
Cytat: | DH creator Marc Cherry is considering setting the seventh and final season in the year BEFORE DH began, when Mary Alice and Mrs. Huber, among others, still lived on Wisteria Lane |
Wiem, że to nie dotyczy juz 5 sezonu, ale jest to dość ciekawy pomysł.
Marc Cherry rozważa mozliwośc by ostatni 7 sezon dział się, w rok wcześniej, gdy Mary Alice i Pani Huber, żyly jeszcze na Wisterial Lane.
Cytat: | "Teri Hatcher has hit out at the producers of Desperate Housewives for axing her onscreen daughter from the show.
The actress was devastated when she discovered Andrea Bowen would not be a part of the regular cast for the next season of the hit show.
In the finale, which aired in America on Sunday, the cast was transported five years into the future - and Bowen's character Julie was revealed to be a student at Princeton University.
As a result, the character will be absent from the next season of the show - and Hatcher thinks that is a mistake.
She tells USA Today newspaper, "She (Bowen) is somebody who I have done the majority of my work with for four years. I've watched her grow up from 13 to 18, get a driver's license.
"I can't begin to tell you the depths of how impossibly hard it is for me to think about her not being there.
"This is a totally producer/network decision that I have nothing to do with, and I guess I can go out on a limb and say I don't support."
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Tom S.

Dołączył: 03 Lip 2006
Posty: 2185
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Pomógł: 16 razy Skąd: Wlkp Płeć:
Wysłany: Pon 9:46, 23 Cze 2008 Temat postu: |
Cytat: | Season 5 will open five years down the road, and there's a big new mystery. It involves several new neighbors, but viewers will be sureprise as to who the mystery person is. We'll have a big mystery star! |
Cytat: | Porter and Preston Scavo - 15-16 year old identical twins (played by Brent and Shane Kinsman the last 4 seasons) with reddish hair and brown eyes, these mischievous boys are quickly approaching juvenile delinquency. SERIES REGULARS. Submit identical twins who are willing to dye their hair if necessary to match the previous actors. |
Cytat: | The show is currently casting for the role of Maynard "M.J. Delfino. The character will appear in a recurring capacity and is said to be 5 and a half years old. Producers are also looking for a 14-year-old teen to play Parker Scavo in a regular capacity. The kid has grown into a nice and smart teen that is said to be a techno-geek. Finally, there is a casting call to find a 8- or 9-year-old blonde actress to portray Penny Scavo, also in a regular capacity. |
Cytat: | The Scavos have a dog. Lynette asks Parker to take Penny to soccer practice since the twins are on lock-down, aka no cellphones, no dating, no driving. Parker agrees as long as they are back by six o'clock so he is not late for a special event happening in his online Lord of the Rings game. The twins got grounded because they threw a party at the restaurant where teens played poker, drank alcohol and smoked cigars. Their defense? "Mom, we didn't think you would be here." Lynette learns that the boys have been throwing parties like these for months! They even have the nerves to ask Lynette if they can be grounded in a week because Homecoming is on Friday! |
Cytat: | Na podstawie artykułu w USA TODAY (a także innych portali informujących o spoilerach)z połowy maja 2008, który zawiera wywiad ze scenarzystą Desperate Housewives Markiem Cherrym dowiadujemy się, iż w sezonie piątym:
1 - Susan żyje z nowym mężczyzna, którym bynajmniej nie jest Mike Delfino, a tajemniczy domownik, w którego rolę wciela się Gale Harold
2 - Gabby nie będzie opiekować się już tylko wciąż niewidomym Carlosem, ale również dwójką kilkuletnich córeczek - Juanitą i Celią (aktorki: Kaila Say i Daniella Baltodano), uroda, a raczej jej brak u dziewczynek stanie się powodem frustracji Gabby Solis (po tym, co widzieliśmy w odcinku"Free" frustracja byłej modelki chyba nikogo nie dziwi)...Dziwi z pewnością wygląd zaniedbanej ślicznotki, na szczęście Gabby ma wkrótce powrócić do dawnej formy
3 - Edie powróci na Wisteria Lane, ale nie będzie to już ta sama Edie, co kiedyś...
4 - Bree osiągnie szczyt w przykładnym prowadzeniu domu, a jej sukces osiągnie pułap niemalże Marty Stewart - z wzorcowej gospodyni domowej przeistoczy się we wpływową bizneswoman - szefową firmy cateringowej
5 - Lynette i Tom mimo tego, że ich dzieci zrobiły się starsze wciąż nie będą mieli lekko jako rodzice, bliźniaki będą wciąż dawały im popalić...
-w ich domu pojawi się czworonożny najlepszy przyjaciel człowieka - pies
-bliżniaki urządzą sobie małe "podziemie" w pizzerii rodziców - zaproszą nastolatków na hazardowe gierki przy alkoholu i cygarach
-Penny będzie aktywną zawodniczką piłki nożnej
-Parker nie zmieni się znacznie, pozostanie spokojnym chłopcem, fanem komputera i muzyki
6 - w sezonie 5 nie spotkamy się już z następującymi postaciami(i aktorami):
Mike Delfino - James Denton
Córka Bree, Danielle - Joy Lauren <pozostanie na Columbia University>
Córka Susan, Julie - Andrea Bowen
Córka Katherine, Dylan - Lyndsy Fonseca
oraz urwisy Scavo
w miejsce dzieciaków pojawią się nowi aktorzy wyłonieni na przeprowadzonych latem castingach):
Brent Kinsman (Preston)i jego brat bliźniak Shane (Porter)
Zane Huett (Parker)
Rachel Fox (Kayla) - nie jest wyjaśnione czy powróci w nastoletnim wcieleniu czy ta mała terrorystka odeszła na wieki do dziadków)
Darien i Kerstin Pinkerton (dziewczynki grające Penny)
* Cały czas trwają castingi do dziecięcych ról i brak doniesień o tym, że ktokolwiek poza dwiema wspomnianymi już dziewczynkami Solisów ma pewną role w serialu.
Pojawiły się także informacje od jednego ze scenarzystów, że planuje on wpleść historię choroby dziecka którejś z kobiet na wisteria Lane, bo wg niego tragedia bezsilnej matki byłaby poruszającym wątkiem.
Marc Cherry planuje zakończyć Desperate Housewives na 7 sezonie, w którym chce opisać zdarzenia na Wisteria Lane, które miały miejsce przed samobójczą śmiercią Mary Alice |
Cytat: | Cheer up. Desperate Housewives is not going anywhere. The cast and creator/executive producer Marc Cherry are signed to contracts through the 2010-2011 season. When it returns in the fall, Desperate Housewives will have moved five years ahead in order to open new plot possibilities. This will lead to the elimination of some characters, primarily the offspring. James Denton’s future as Mike Delfino also is murky, since Susan will have a new spouse/live-in lover, played by Gale Harold, the actor you saw in the season finale. Then again, Edie’s arms will always be open to Mike, assuming Nicollette Sheridan isn’t also written out of the series. |
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Ostatnio zmieniony przez Tom S. dnia Pon 9:47, 23 Cze 2008, w całości zmieniany 1 raz
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Dołączył: 29 Sie 2007
Posty: 4659
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Pomógł: 50 razy Skąd: Poznań - Piątkowo Płeć:
Wysłany: Wto 16:02, 08 Lip 2008 Temat postu: |
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Ostatnio zmieniony przez Mikołajek dnia Pon 7:58, 14 Lip 2008, w całości zmieniany 8 razy
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Tom S.

Dołączył: 03 Lip 2006
Posty: 2185
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Pomógł: 16 razy Skąd: Wlkp Płeć:
Wysłany: Wto 19:00, 08 Lip 2008 Temat postu: |
Cytat: | James Denton has confirmed to PEOPLE Magazine that his character Mike Delfino and Teri Hatcher’s character Susan Mayer have split for the 5 year flash forward. Denton has said, “Mike and Susan have definitely split up.”
According to the June 24 Mitovich Mega Minute, Denton has said that he is indeed coming back to the show. Denton says, “I’m not sure exactly in what capacity — [series creator] Marc Cherry is being a little cagey — but I will certainly be on the show. It’s a relief… trust me.” |
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Ostatnio zmieniony przez Tom S. dnia Wto 19:00, 08 Lip 2008, w całości zmieniany 1 raz
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Dołączył: 29 Sie 2007
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Pomógł: 50 razy Skąd: Poznań - Piątkowo Płeć:
Wysłany: Nie 22:28, 13 Lip 2008 Temat postu: |
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Ostatnio zmieniony przez Mikołajek dnia Pon 8:29, 14 Lip 2008, w całości zmieniany 2 razy
Powrót do góry |
Tom S.

Dołączył: 03 Lip 2006
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Pomógł: 16 razy Skąd: Wlkp Płeć:
Wysłany: Czw 14:25, 17 Lip 2008 Temat postu: |
Cytat: | [James] Denton is coming back - in some sort of capacity. As for Gabrielle staying "frumpy," 1) Eva undoubtedly takes great offense to that characterization, and 2), let's just say that Gabs "won't be herself" this season.
Wisteria Lane's resident gays, Bob and Lee, will be back for year five and we'll soon learn a lot more about the good-looking couple. Seems Bob has got some serious issues -- like, seek professional help sort of issues -- and it will all come out this season.
Neal McDonough is joining the cast of Desperate Housewives next season as a series regular. McDonough is coming on as a new love interest for Edie!
Mike is in the season premiere and looks to be sticking around.
A newly married man comes to Wisteria Lane to buy a house. He offers money to an old man if he and his wife can move in asap. One of the new couple is composed of Charles, a busy business man, and his wife Lila. They have a young daughter named Julia. Charles is away on a business trip and his way back home is delayed by snow. Two moms gossip about how Gabrielle can't say no to her kids and the fact that Juanita is eating a lot. The latter overhears the conversation and confronts the two moms. Bree is at a photoshoot for the cover of her first cookbook. She and the photographer don't agree on her facial expression when taking a pie out of the oven. The crew of "What's Cookin' Fairview?" drops by her house for an interview. During the interview, she introduces her staff, which includes Katherine. Mike drops MJ at Susan's house.
[Note: Some people believe that the newly married man is going to be played by Neal McDonough and that his new wife is Edie.] |
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Ekspert ds. Fairview
Dołączył: 11 Sie 2006
Posty: 2490
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Pomógł: 10 razy Skąd: Rybnik Płeć:
Wysłany: Czw 20:53, 17 Lip 2008 Temat postu: |
Nowa Penny czyli Kendall Applegate (fotka z imdb.com więc mam nadzieje że jest to 'właśnie ta' Kendall)
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Dołączył: 29 Sie 2007
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Pomógł: 50 razy Skąd: Poznań - Piątkowo Płeć:
Wysłany: Sob 14:32, 19 Lip 2008 Temat postu: |
od usera dawka930.
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Ostatnio zmieniony przez Mikołajek dnia Sob 20:33, 19 Lip 2008, w całości zmieniany 4 razy
Powrót do góry |
Tom S.

Dołączył: 03 Lip 2006
Posty: 2185
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Pomógł: 16 razy Skąd: Wlkp Płeć:
Wysłany: Nie 15:42, 20 Lip 2008 Temat postu: |
Kilka informacji o nowych aktorach:
Preston i Porter Scavo - Dylan i Cole Sprouse
Parker Scavo - Randy Shelly
Kayla Scavo - Willa Holland
Penny Scavo - Adair Tishler //Gabim już informowała o innej aktorce więc ciekawe która informacja będzie prawdziwa xP//
Maynard Delfino - Jordan Clyne
<brak zdjęcia>
Benjamin Hodge - Connor Tupen
<brak zdjęcia>
Cytat: | Are Susan and Mike really over? Who's bringing the big mystery? And what the beejezus are they gonna do now?
These are just a few of the burning questions on the minds of Desperate Housewives fans after the fourth season finale leapt forward five years and left our jaws dangling just above the floor. But wait, what's that I hear? Oh right, it’s the sound of angels singing, because the show is back in production over on the Universal lot, and inside sources are spilling on what's going down.
Even better, those "sources" are Desperate Housewives executive producers Bob Daily and Sabrina Wind, who kindly took the time to share some exclusive details with me on the new direction of the show, what the time leap means for the fierce fivesome (yes, I said five-some) and their hot male counterparts this season.
Here is the juicy scoop you need to know:
The Show Is Truly Starting Over: "I would say from the writing standpoint that the five-year jump has been hugely energizing because it sort of wiped the slate clean," said Daily. "We keep talking about this first episode likes it’s another pilot. We’re starting over and each woman has a new drive now. Gabbi’s the mom. Susan’s the...how can I say this...Susan has interesting issues. Bree is the Martha Stewart. And Lynette is in a different place."
Neal McDonough Brings the New Mystery: Despite being banished in the latest season finale by the other four women, Edie (Nicollette Sheridan) will be moving back to Wisteria Lane at the start of season five and bringing with her a fine, steel-eyed specimen of a man: Neal McDonough (Boomtown, Tin Man). But he's hardly just a pretty face. Exec producer Sabrina Wind revealed, "Edie and Neal's character carry the new mystery with them." I'm hearing that his storyline is just plain crazy, wacky and unbalanced. In short: Just the stuff good DH stories are made of. Holler!
Susan Definitely Has a New Man. (Sorry Mike!) Regarding Gale Harold (Vanished, Queer as Folk), who plays Susan's (Teri Hatcher) new man, executive producer Bob Daily says, "He just shot his first scene today and Marc [Cherry] said it went great." Said Wind, "And it wasn't an easy scene to start with...it involved a little skin." Note: If you are offended by the notion of Harold in his Skivvies in a hot love scene, please, check your meds.
Mike Is Back: James Denton will remain a series regular, but his future was a bit dodgy for a while. Wind explained: "Because of the writers' strike, we didn’t finish last season until May 10, so we tried to give the writers as much flexibility as possible to decide what next year is going to be, and not trap them by picking up the actors contracts too early. So a lot of them really didn’t know and Jamie Denton was among them." Wind and Daily said that Andrea Bowen (Susan's daughter Julie) will be back occasionally but not as a series regular. "That's a hard thing she’s fantastic," says Daily.
Gaby Is the New Lynette: Gabrielle (Eva Longoria Parker) is now the full-time mom who is overwhelmed with the responsibilities of parenting. "I would say Gaby's life has changed the most," said Daily. Still, Wind said, "Gaby's never gonna have a crying on the soccer field moment [like Lynette] 'cause that's not who Gaby is. She could go through the same problems, but she's going to bring Gaby to it which will be the fun part."
It's a Good Thing for Bree: Bree (Marcia Cross) is "Martha Stewart right at the beginning before she became a national phenomenon," revealed Wind. And Daily added: "When you tune into the first episode, you will see she is on the verge of publishing her first cookbook. She is going from being a local celebrity to potentially being a celebrity on a bigger scale. And her son is sort of her right-hand man slash consigliore. He’s like Tom Hayden in The Godfather for her."
As for her love life: "One of the things we'll be answering in the first couple of episodes is how did Orson (Kyle MacLachlan) and Bree end up back together again," teased Daily. Well, that's easy. True love and obsessive-compulsive disorder conquers all, right?
Lynette and Tom Have a Hot Mess of Double Trouble: "Lynette’s primary drive is going from being the mother of troublemakers to potentially juvenile delinquents to potentially incarcerated." The new storyline is likely to develop a tween-girl following, thanks to the casting of the Scavos' evil twins, Max and Charlie Carver. "They really do look like young Matt Damons," Wind said.
There Will Be More Questions: "What's kind of fun," said Wind, "is that there’s not enough time in one episode to fill in the backstory of everyone’s lives in five years, so we only answer as many questions as we have time, and there will be more questions." You know what that means: You'll have to watch.
Excited about the addition of the insanely hot Neal McDonough? Delighted by Gale Harold's hotness even though it might mean bad things for Susan and Mike? Post your hopes, fears and speculation about Desperate Housewives season five in the comments.
P.S. Just remembered I'll see the cast and crew on Thursday at ABC's press day and party, so comment below with any more questions and I try to get you more answers. |
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Ostatnio zmieniony przez Tom S. dnia Nie 15:45, 20 Lip 2008, w całości zmieniany 1 raz
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Ekspert ds. Fairview
Dołączył: 11 Sie 2006
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Pomógł: 10 razy Skąd: Rybnik Płeć:
Wysłany: Nie 17:22, 20 Lip 2008 Temat postu: |
Cytat: | Po tym jak w serialu stacji ABC "Gotowe na wszystko" przesunięto akcję o pięć lat do przodu, konieczne było zatrudnienie nowych aktorów, odgrywających rolę dzieci głównych bohaterów.
W przypadku dzieci Toma i Lynette Scavo (Doug Savant i Felicity Huffman) wiadomo, że Joshua Moore zagra Parkera, Charles i Max Carver wcielą się w bliźniaków Portera i Prestona, a Kendall Applegate zagra Penny.
W nowych odcinkach wykorzystywane będą prawdopodobnie flashbacki, dlatego jest szansa, że dotychczasowi odtwórcy tych ról powrócą. W kolejnym sezonie wróci też Shawn Pyfrom, syn Bree Van De Kamp (Marcia Cross). Niewykluczone, że w kolejnym sezonie zobaczymy gościnnie również Andreę Bowen, serialową córkę Susan Mayer (Teri Hatcher), ale nie są to potwierdzone informacje. |
ps1: Tom bo ja znalazłam tą informacje na filmwebie i pomyślałam że dzieci podane tu są już tak jakby, zatwierdzone A ty podałeś coś całkiem innego, więc ciekawe jak będzie
ps2: Mikołajek wcześniej podał tą wiadomość z wp ale chciałam to porównać z obsadą znalezioną przez Toma
Cytat: | With ABC's "Desperate Housewives" jumping ahead five years for its upcoming fifth season, four newcomers have come aboard to play the now-aged Scavo kids.
Joshua Moore is set to play Parker, the oldest son of Tom and Lynette Scavo (Doug Savant and Felicity Huffman). Charles and Max Carver will play trouble-making twins Porter and Preston, respectively, and Kendall Applegate has signed on as Penny, the youngest child and only daughter.
The three sons will now be teenagers, while the daughter is around 8 or 9 years old.
Moore is repped by Innovative and manager Adam Griffin. Applegate is repped by Acme Talent and Literary and managers Jamie Malone and Judy Cosgrove. |
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Ostatnio zmieniony przez Gabim dnia Nie 17:32, 20 Lip 2008, w całości zmieniany 2 razy
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Ekspert ds. Fairview
Dołączył: 11 Sie 2006
Posty: 2490
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Pomógł: 10 razy Skąd: Rybnik Płeć:
Wysłany: Nie 19:31, 20 Lip 2008 Temat postu: |
Cytat: | Beyonce Knowles gotowa na wszystko
Beyonce Knowles prowadzi rozmowy w sprawie gościnnego występu w serialu "Gotowe na wszystko".
Jak donosi strona MediaTakeOut.com, ojciec piosenkarki i jej menadżer Matthew Knowles załatwił córce niewielką rólkę, ale obecnie prowadzi z producentami popularnego serialu negocjacje w sprawie jej rozszerzenia.
- Producenci zgodzili się obsadzić Beyonce w gościnnej roli, ale mamy nadzieję, że jej postać mogłaby pojawić się w serialu kilkakrotnie lub być może nawet na stałe - mówi współpracownik gwiazdy.
May 13, 2008. She's a singer, she's a movie star and now she may be a TV actress as well. MediaTakeOut.com just caught wind that Beyonce's management team (AKA Matty Knowles) is negotiating to get Beyonce a recurring role on ABC's popular TV show Desperate Housewives.
A source in Beyonce's camp told MediaTakeOut.com, "They've already agreed to give Beyonce a cameo appearance. But [we're] hoping that [she] could be written in for a recurring role, or possibly even a permanent one." |
Eva na Wisteria Lane (już w krótszych włosach) opowiada m.in. troszkę o postaci Gabrielle w V sezonie i pokazuje co Gaby ma sztuczne [link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
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Ostatnio zmieniony przez Gabim dnia Nie 19:46, 20 Lip 2008, w całości zmieniany 2 razy
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Dołączył: 29 Sie 2007
Posty: 4659
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Pomógł: 50 razy Skąd: Poznań - Piątkowo Płeć:
Wysłany: Pon 9:48, 21 Lip 2008 Temat postu: |
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Tom S.

Dołączył: 03 Lip 2006
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Pomógł: 16 razy Skąd: Wlkp Płeć:
Wysłany: Pon 20:13, 21 Lip 2008 Temat postu: |
Cytat: | Joshua Moore is set to play Parker, the oldest son of Tom and Lynette Scavo (Doug Savant and Felicity Huffman). Charles and Max Carver will play trouble-making twins Porter and Preston, respectively, and Kendall Applegate has signed on as Penny, the youngest child and only daughter. The three sons will now be teenagers, while the daughter is around 8 or 9 years old.
"We'll get [Gabby] back to looking glamorous somewhere in the middle of the season," [says Marc Cherry. ... Teri] Hatcher says the five-year jump has made Susan less needy. "After years of being the kind of person who is like, 'Please love me!,' for many reasons that will be revealed over the new season, she's now a person who's closed off to love and not so searching and needy of it." [... Someone asked] a question about the new man in Susan's life, played by Gale Harold. "He's an interesting, artsy guy," says Cherry, "who's very different from the previous man in her life." [...] Edie will return to Wisteria Lane "in a very surprising way," Cherry teases. And what of the new man in her life, Neal McDonough? "He will be bringing the new mystery with him, and all I'm going to tell you is that he has revenge on his mind." [...] Cherry says Andrea Bowen and the rest of the show's original, pre-flash-forward kids will return in flashbacks. [...] "You will see Mike on the show," Cherry says, "and it will be revealed what happened to Mike and Susan."
"We have a very funny reason why [Gabby] gets her appearance back together, about seven or eight episodes in," [Marc Cherry says] Nicollette Sheridan (Edie) remains in the cast, to be joined by two newcomers: Neal McDonough as Dave, a new neighbor who introduces the season's mystery arc; and Gale Harold as Jackson, Susan's new beau, who kissed her in last season's finale. "We're going into their lives and we're going to see why each of these women, much like in the pilot, are desperate and unhappy," Cherry says, "for all sorts of different reasons."
[Jackson] is far more into [Susan] than she is into him, "but then, over time, she softens a bit." |
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Dołączył: 29 Sie 2007
Posty: 4659
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Pomógł: 50 razy Skąd: Poznań - Piątkowo Płeć:
Wysłany: Wto 15:45, 22 Lip 2008 Temat postu: |
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